Best Charging Tips For Android And IOS


Cell phone repair Vancouver. What could be more aggravating than discovering your phone is going to die? We've compiled the finest charging recommendations for Android and iOS smartphones, whether you're on a crucial business call or working out at the gym.

You're laying in bed, presumably scrolling through Instagram loops and snacking on a bag of chips, when your phone has the nerve to send you a notification that says, "Low battery." "Only 10% of the battery is left." Ouch!

Now you'll have to frantically search the house for your charger, bend down to plug it in, and wait for your lock screen to resurrect. Doesn't that seem like a lot of work?

If only we knew how to extend the life of our batteries and charge our phones more quickly. If only the universe had provided us some guidance in this regard. If only we could find an article that could assist us in resolving our issues. You don't have to be concerned any longer. We've compiled a large list of tips that you may use to ensure that your phone battery lasts as long as possible. It's worth noting that some of these are applicable to both Android and iOS users, thus some of them may overlap.

How Can You Improve The Battery Charging Of An IOS: Iphone/Ipad/Ipod/Apple Watch/MacBook Device?

  1. Avoid charging your phone in extreme temperatures: 
    You could be sitting in Alaska, freezing to death with anesthesia-like numbness in your fingers. You may also be sweating your way to greatness in Mecca. Do anything you like, but keep your phone out of the picture as you enjoy the extremes. These temps don't bother you, but they do bother your phone. It's still a device that need attention and protection.

    Your phone's battery will drain and be damaged if you charge it or even expose it to extreme temperatures. That is the absolute last thing you want to happen. For most iOS technology, a temperature of 0 degrees is too cold, and a temperature of 35 degrees is too hot. The lower limit for Macs is 10 degrees, but the higher limit remains the same. If you want your battery to last, don't go overboard on either.

  2. Avoid battery extremes: Just as severe temperatures necessitate staying within a set range, you must avoid letting your battery fall below 0 or above 100 at all costs. Maintain a percentage range of 30 to 80 percent. Touching numbers that are too high or too low causes your battery to overwork and have an adverse effect on its general health. If you charge your phone to 100% or let it go to 0% on a frequent basis, it will oscillate and bear far more strain than it was built for. As a result, remember what your parents taught you as a child: "Stay inside your limitations!"

  3. Optimize settings: You can set a number of things to help your battery charge faster and last longer. These work on the simple premise of allowing the phone to perform as few tasks as feasible. Reduce the amount of labor you have to do.
How do you go about doing that? Here are a few options:
Reduce Brightness: 
Begin by decreasing or dimming your phone's brightness. You can turn it off altogether if you're not intending to use it while it charges, or turn it down to a level that doesn't irritate your eyes if you need to do anything quickly.

Switch off your Cellular Data or Wifi:
Switching off cellular data and WIFI is another great advice for this area. You might also use airplane mode. For most apps, no connection equals no work. If you don't have a connection, you'll get fewer notifications. Remember that part of your phone's duty is to keep you up to date with all of the apps you use, but if you disable that feature, your phone will have very little work to do. It will charge faster if this occurs.
Low Power Mode: 
Before we move on, one last recommendation is to enable “Low power mode.” The yellow box at the top of your phone is really useful. It'll slow down the draining process and extend the life of your battery.

Say no to Siri:
Saying no to Siri isn't a good idea because it adds to his or her workload. The whole goal of turning off Siri is to prevent receiving useless data, reminders, or notifications. All you have to do is stay away from Siri. I'm confident your outgoing personality can keep the chatting under control for a while. Pop that anti-social bubble once your battery has been charged to your satisfaction.

  1. Remove the phone cover while charging:   Some cell phone repair covers are thick and heatproof, which means they won't let the heat from the phone pass through and will retain it, causing the phone to overheat and shorten its battery life. This isn't true of all phone covers, but it is true of a subset of them. Make sure you're using a cover that allows your charging wire to fit properly in the port without requiring extra effort or pressure. This may cause damage or breakage to the port's inside, which will cost you a lot of money.
  1. Do not use your phone while charging it:
The batteries used nowadays are Lithium-ion powered, which speeds up the charging process immensely. So while your phone is plugged in, try not to use it simultaneously. This overworks the gadget by doubling the amount of work it has to do. The process is quick, so be patient. Grab a book, make yourself some coffee, or simply lie down and stare at the ceiling while your phone does the job. 

How To Increase Charging Speed And Improve Battery Health Of An Android Device?

  1. Use the original charger 
    There’s a reason why a specific type of charger is given to you when you buy your smartphone for the first time. Don’t mix and match or play around with what you’re plugging into your phone. Use the right model to avoid your battery from getting heavily damaged. 
  1. Do not charge your phone for a long period
    Don't we all enjoy seeing "100%" on our phones first thing in the morning? I'm sure there are chargers on all of our side tables that operate nightly to provide us with what we want. You should be aware, however, that this behavior is not good for your phone. It causes the battery to overheat, reducing its total lifespan. As satisfying as it is to have anything flawless in your life, keep in mind that perfection comes at a price. Don't be satisfied with mediocrity.
  1. Stop installing third-party battery applications
    We're aware of what you clever folks are up to. Your daily goal has become finding solutions, but are they the most effective? No, you cannot hand over control of your battery to a third party. You'd be exposing your phone to a slew of viruses and jeopardizing the health of your battery if you did that. Rather, read this essay and put organic alternatives into practice.
  1. Golden Rule: Don’t use your phone while it’s charging
    This is probably something you've heard in every tech-related YouTube video and/or blog, and it's because it's true. As we previously stated, it doubles the amount of work your phone has to accomplish. Why don't you take a break from it for a while and do something else? Take a break from it. After all, the device operates for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You'll avoid overheating and other problems if you can allow it some time to rest.

  2. Avoid getting your phone heated
    When using an Android phone for an extended amount of time or even while charging, it can get hot. So, here's the deal: when your phone becomes hot, it has a negative impact on a number of internal small devices, including your battery. The phone's battery heats up, reducing its longevity and functionality significantly. As a result, be aware of it and avoid overusing your Android phone to the point where things go wrong. iPhone repair Vancouver

We've come to the finish of the post with all of the above-mentioned strategies. There are a total of 8 top charging tips for android and iOS devices that you can use to boost the battery health and durability of your smartphone. They are compatible with both iOS and Android, so pick the one that is most convenient for you. Let's work together to save lives, or should I say battery lives. Even if this one doesn't have a pulse.

If you need to repair your smart phone 
Fast Cell Repair is a professional and experienced Cell Phone repairing service provider in Canada. Have seven cell phone repair shops in Canada ( Vancouver & Burnaby  & New Westminster ) for all types of mobile repairs.


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